Sunday, January 10, 2010

My son's death remains a mystery

Bismillah, Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim (In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful)
Alhamdulillah (The praise is due to Allah) who created life and death.
Indeed my son's death is a trial and test from my Lord. To date it still remains a mystery. No one has come forward with any information. It was a week ago last year that I last saw my beloved oldest son, Jibril alive. One of the last things I told him was that "Long life is not guaranteed." Little did I know that it would be the last time I saw him alive. Allah gives us circumstances in order to test our faith in Him. Allah alone is the owner of the souls. My beloved oldest son incidently was the first of nine people who I personally knew or met that "went back to Allah" this past year. The "record" before that was 3 in previous years. So this was the most people who I knew of personally that died. This list of course did not include the iconic celebraties such as; Michael Jackson, Farah Fawcwett, Patrick Swayze, Ed McMahon, Walter Cronkite, Ricardo Montalban, Senator Edward Kennedy,and others. I am going to list the 9 people who I knew that die this past year:

1. Jibril Abdul-Qadir Mustafa (my beloved oldest child--murdered)
2. Sis. Khadijah Bilal (wife of Melvin Bilal, former Balt. City Council canidate-natual causes)
3. Leon Faruq (author of book: Differences between Islam and Nation of Islam- natural causes)
4. Imam Darryl Wainwright (former Imam of Masjid ul-Haqq, Baltimore, MD--natural causes)
5. Imam Luqman Abdullah (Imam of Masjid ul Haqq, Detroit, MI-murdered by FBI and Dearborn,MI police. He was shot 18 times in a raid on a warehouse where he a group of Muslim brothers were helping an supposed Muslim brother move some boxes. The supposed brother vanished after the incident).
6. Wali Aquil (Long time Muslim "pioneer" in Baltimore-- natural causes)
7. Abdur Raoof (member of Masjid Al-Inshirah and the Buffalo Soldiers, Baltimore, MD--natural causes)
8 & 9 Mr. & Mrs. Patel (America's Best Inn, Goldsboro,NC--mudered in their rooms at the motel)
Every death brings the reality into focus. The life of this world is not the reality. We will all die one day. As Allah mentions in Qur'an: "Every soul shall have a taste of death."


  1. I am sure you do not know me, but I did know your son and was quite close with his sister Amatullah in high school. It was very shocking when I heard the news via myspace. I wasn't to close with Jibril but I had played football with him (him being jv and I being varsity). I never knew him to be of any negativity and didnot believe it to be a suicide. I reside in new york and have no real contact with anyone from high school. But my blessings go out to you and the family and as a black man a feel a dep pain for us all. I pray that something come out of this and know that you are not alone ...


  2. On behalf of Jibril's family and those who continue to love him, thank you.
