Friday, November 9, 2012

Jibril's 25th Birthday Marks the first INTERNATIONAL LYNCHING AWARENESS DAY!

Bismillah, Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rahim (With the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful) Today would have been Jibril's 25th Birthday. No one can bring my beloved son back to us but the evil that destroyed his life can be eradicated forever from the face of the Earth. That evil is racially motivated LYNCHING! IT HAS NEVER STOPPED. It won't stop if we ignore it. Mainly young Black men have lost their lives due to this evil which many think ended in the mid-20th century. In the year 2000 there were two lynchings in the US. One in West Virginia and another in Mississippi. Also their were two lynchings in the UK of a man then his nephew six months later inside his home. His nephew was investigating his murder. All of the incidents were attributed to suicides by the so-called authorities who either did not do a through investigation or as in the case of my son and maybe a few others no investigation at all. Insha'Allah (God-willing) I can provide the names of all the victims I have become aware of on a future post.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Case Worse Than Tayvon Martin

Bismillah, Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rahim (In The Name Of Allah, The B
The tragedy continues. Another young Black man loses his life to racist violence. The unjust killing of Tayvon Martin of Sanford, FL and the lack of concern of the so-called justice dept of the locality to arrest his killer,is the on-going example of typical white racist behavior toward our community. My heart goes out to his parents who have lost a son whom they spent 17 years to raise just to see him profiled and gun down by a racist nut who should not have been armed anyway! George Zimmerman half white and latino is his killer. Please do not get me wrong but Tayvon parents are fortunate. They are fortunate because they know who killed their son and the circumstances surrounding his death. Their united effort made their son name a household word and the case global. In my case, concerning the lost of my son is much worse. I could cry for Tayvon as every decent human being should, but I am still anguishing over Jibril. There was no media coverage of my son's death. We do not know who killed him and why. The police as in all the cases similar to my son's, did not investigate. The evidence as in the crime seen as since been contaminated and lost. Only by the miracle of Allah, will Jibril receive justice on earth! Jibril was a much loved individual who graduated from high school and was looked up to and admired by all who knew him. He was enterprising and had big plans. Jibril Mustafa, unlike Tayvon Martin, is not known outside his family, his friends and anyone else who have visited this blog. I had told his mother when she was adamant about divorcing me some 7-8 years before our son's death, that "divorce will make things complicated". During counseling with a well learned Shaikh, she said in response to advice to consider that we have children between us was, "I am only thinking about myself". The Shaikh responded, "You are egotistical and selfish". When I arrived back in Maryland the day of my son's death, she had decided to let her current husband handle all of the arrangements. He did an investigation at that time but a remark he made to me as we were making the funeral arrangements was insulting and unforgiving. I never knew of the results of his investigation because we did not speak to each other for over six months after my son's passing. I ended up taking over the funeral arrangements, making sure my son had a proper Islamic burial. Allah basically ended up dropping it into my lap. My tax refund came in in time to buy the headstone plaque after being vilified by my ex, her husband and a sister unknown to me who left a nasty message on my voicemail.
Allah had raised me to my intention of giving my son a proper janazah. I do not believe that my ex or her husband ever visited Jibril grave site. Every time I travel to Baltimore I make time to visit my son's grave. I am sorry I digressed. The point I am making is that my ex stop me from writing an article to a local Muslim newspaper, in an attempt to publicize my son death. My email to a local radio host never was replied to. I had suffered severe depression, weight loss, loss of appetite and went into therapy over my son's mysterious death. I have vow to pray for my son's soul after every salah (formal prayer 5 times a day)until the day I die! My son's death was not publicized because my ex and I were no longer together and we were not united. Now that Tayvon Martin is a household name, I feel that the ball have been dropped concerning Jibril who can no longer be enjoyed in the company of his love ones as his case lays dormant with no apparent hope of justice in this life. This is a case worse than Tayvon's.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

No Closure

Bismillah, Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rahim (In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful)

My second oldest son, Sulaiman, the closest of all of my children both in age and companionship to his brother, said it best-- there is no closure! He was so close to his older brother that they not only shared mutual friends and experiences--they also shared dreams. My son, Jibril's death remains unsolved. However I very encouraged by the response from his friends to this blog and the page by the same name on facebook. Please continue to follow the blog and I welcome all those who have and want to inquire about the circumstances surrounding my son's death. It may take decades before we can find out why I have to visit my son's grave and write this blog. I pray to Allah before he takes my soul that He can reveal who did this and why.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Today (2/24/11) Marks Two Years Since My Beloved Son's Mysterious Murder!

In The Name Of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. It has been two years now since my son Jibril Mustafa was found by his sister, my daughter, Kabira, lynched in the basement of their home shortly after he returned home from work 2/24/09 about 6 am.
The police--Baltimore County Police Norhtpoint precint did not investigate it at all.
They have left it up to the family to find evidence to present ot them instead. There have been similar killings around this country and in England (2000), before and after my son's death. Some were highly publicized, such as the recent one in Mississippi(where most have taken place) and another one in Florida a year or two before my son's murder. And some were not as in my son's case. My son's murder was not even on the Baltimore Sun's crime blodder. In all the cases, strangely they were ruled suicides. There is a killer or killers on the loose. Why isn't law enforcement trying to investigate these murders? Are they in cohoots with them? I pray to Allah (God) they are not.
My son like many of the victims was intelligent, reliable, lovable, and enterprising individual who did not fit the profile of someone who would take his own life. Like in practically all the cases, there was no suicide note or any evidence to suggest it was a suicide. To my knowledge, only my son was inside his own dwelling while most of the other victims were found on their property hung from a tree. I will not cease to find out how and why my son was murdered. The primary suspects are the white supremist who can communicate via the internet with instructions to carry out their terror. It is called the "lone wolf" method. They do not have to be present at any meeting or conference. Just an ardent venomous desire to hate anyone who doesn't look like them. A white supremist terrorist group was suspected in the deaths of two related Black men in Britian back in 2000. The first victim was the uncle of the second whom the latter was investigating his uncle's death at the time of his eerily similar death six months later. What boggles my mind is how they could be so stealth? In the case of my son's death and all the others there were no known witnesses and almost all happened in the very early morning between 3am-6am. There was little or no obvious evidence of a struggle except for the gash on my son's nose and stun gun wounds on his chest near his heart. If your son or love one was a victim too, please contact me. Leave a message or a comment on this blog or one of my facebook pages. We need to unite to defeat this evil that have violated our families and destroy our love ones future. Taking them from us forever! It may take me several decades perhaps if Allah grants me that long. But I vow, by Allah, to pray for and continue to get the info about my son out to all that hear until my last breath. If you have a radio, tv or newspaper column or blog you need to pick up this story.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

He would have been 23 years old today

Bismillah, ir-Rahman, ir-Rahim. In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Today my beloved late son, Jibril would have been 23 years old. This is his second bitrthday since his murder on Feb. 24, 2009. My son was loved by all who knew him except the person or persons who took his life. I was hoping since the last entry that I could write a blog expressing a break in this case. That there would be some new information concerning the circumsances of my son's death. No such information has surfaced at this writing.
I see my son in my dreams. A few days ago I dreamed he was with us on a trip. My current wife all of my children including him. He got out of the car (a station wagon) and I embraced him. Shortly thereafter, he was carrying around his youngest brother, Yusuf, who was born nearly a year after his death. A dream about a month ago, started out with me walking across a dirt road in the country and dicovering my dad (who passed Apr.19, 2008)looking into my current vehicle (in real life there was a problem with the vehicle. It was my dad who taught me how to work on cars). After we discussed the problem, we walked toward a barn that was close by. I asked him were was Jibril? We he got in the doorway of the barn he was facing me and Jibril appeared behind him. We all embraced in a group hug. The dream continued as a walked in the barn with them. Suddenly more people appeared. They along with my dad and my son wanted to get back on the "other side". Everyone held up some stick (at least one person held a long spoon and maybe another one had a spatula). I found a pen and held it up pointing it as everyone was doing toward the ceiling. No one else's object worked to open up the ceiling, which was a portal or entrance to the other side, except for my pen. When they saw it was working they all held me up to the ceiling. The ceiling was made of dirt. It began to transform. As it did I saw a multitude of different writngs in several languages one after the other. The ceiling opened up. I saw a white door on the other side right beside the hole that was created. I believe there might have been an entity standing close by the door. I fell back to the floor onto a pile of dirt which was a result of "digging" through the ceilling. I stepped aside and my dad, Jibril and the others, one by one, climbed the dirt pile to enter the hole which led them back to the other side. My son is alive and wel on the other side. Though I believe he is in paradise which I am happy for him, it is still painful that I won't be able to call him on the phone, email him or see him in person. That his siblings and all of who loved us can not share or celebrate will him the joy of his 23rd birthday.
I appeal to anyone who have knowledge of the circumstances which led to my son death to please contact me through the blog or the facebook page connected to this blog. Also if you had any dreams of Jibril, want to wish him a Happy Birhtday, or a pray, please leave a comment.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2/24/10 Marks One Year Since Jibril's Murder

Bismillah Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rahim (In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful).

Nothing can take away the pain of losing my oldest child. Not even the recent birth of my youngest son, Yusuf. Yusuf will never, in this world, know his oldest brother.
Jibril at least met his youngest sister, Jamilah once. Jibril will never hold Yusuf or talk to him or share a joke with him. They will never be pictured together. Yusuf will never know first hand how great and wonderful a human being Jibril was. We are blessed, those of us who knew Jibril. Those of us who shared his life with him. The memories are cherished. Just one year ago today (2/23/10), Jibril was with us he was happy that he got a loan for a house to reside in. It was to be his first house. He was finally going to move out. This would have been quite a feat for a young man of 21. Later that evening he shared this news with his cousin, Michael. Michael would be the last of us, his beloved relatives, to speak with him. A day which ended in triumph would turn to tragedy at the beginning of the following day. Again I must emphasize that Allah (God) has written all that is to take place in the creation of the universe. It was not written for Jibril to go one step further than he did. The pain of his death will never go away, however. We who have survived him must understand why it was written for him not to be here with us. This is hard. As time goes on it will get no easier. I love my surviving children as much as I loved Jibril. I am fortunate and very blessed to have my children. I pray to Allah that I never have to bury another one of my children. He was the "chief" of my children. Everyday I live I miss him more and more.
Please pray for him. Ask Allah (God) to forgive him and shower mercy on him. The Prophet Muhammmad, whose example we follow, lost all of his children in his lifetime except one daughter, Fatima, who died six months after he died. I pray to Allah constantly for Jibril and my surviving children. Please include in your prays that Allah (God) would reveal the killer(s) and the reason why he was killed.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My son's death remains a mystery

Bismillah, Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim (In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful)
Alhamdulillah (The praise is due to Allah) who created life and death.
Indeed my son's death is a trial and test from my Lord. To date it still remains a mystery. No one has come forward with any information. It was a week ago last year that I last saw my beloved oldest son, Jibril alive. One of the last things I told him was that "Long life is not guaranteed." Little did I know that it would be the last time I saw him alive. Allah gives us circumstances in order to test our faith in Him. Allah alone is the owner of the souls. My beloved oldest son incidently was the first of nine people who I personally knew or met that "went back to Allah" this past year. The "record" before that was 3 in previous years. So this was the most people who I knew of personally that died. This list of course did not include the iconic celebraties such as; Michael Jackson, Farah Fawcwett, Patrick Swayze, Ed McMahon, Walter Cronkite, Ricardo Montalban, Senator Edward Kennedy,and others. I am going to list the 9 people who I knew that die this past year:

1. Jibril Abdul-Qadir Mustafa (my beloved oldest child--murdered)
2. Sis. Khadijah Bilal (wife of Melvin Bilal, former Balt. City Council canidate-natual causes)
3. Leon Faruq (author of book: Differences between Islam and Nation of Islam- natural causes)
4. Imam Darryl Wainwright (former Imam of Masjid ul-Haqq, Baltimore, MD--natural causes)
5. Imam Luqman Abdullah (Imam of Masjid ul Haqq, Detroit, MI-murdered by FBI and Dearborn,MI police. He was shot 18 times in a raid on a warehouse where he a group of Muslim brothers were helping an supposed Muslim brother move some boxes. The supposed brother vanished after the incident).
6. Wali Aquil (Long time Muslim "pioneer" in Baltimore-- natural causes)
7. Abdur Raoof (member of Masjid Al-Inshirah and the Buffalo Soldiers, Baltimore, MD--natural causes)
8 & 9 Mr. & Mrs. Patel (America's Best Inn, Goldsboro,NC--mudered in their rooms at the motel)
Every death brings the reality into focus. The life of this world is not the reality. We will all die one day. As Allah mentions in Qur'an: "Every soul shall have a taste of death."